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Deadline for Abstract Submission: 25th October 2023
Announcement of Accepted Papers: 31st October 2023

Online submission system; It gives you the opportunity to save your paper in the system and go back and work on it again until you decide to send it.



Papers are being collected online as ORAL and POSTER presentations.


Accepted Posters will be presented on poster boards by the presenters in the presentation program, and the presenter will be stayed in the specified time period. A participant can submit two papers only.

In order for the papers to be included in the digital book, at least one of the authors must register to the congress.


Since congress registrations are made in a single name, they do not include other names in the declaration.

The abstracts of the papers will be submitted in both Turkish and English.



In the paper evaluation processes members on the Scientific Board provides support as a reviewer.


For each paper, the editor is selected by experts who have expertise in the relevant fields at least 2 reviewers is assigned to make an evaluation. 

Referees are evaluated via the paper assessment system without seeing the names of authors and institutions and independently of each other complete their assessments.

The editor reviewed the assessments from the 2 reviwers with "accept/reject/revision" makes the final decision. If necessary, he may request an assessment from a third reviwer. 

As a result of the assessment, decision letter will be sent via e-mail. 



The authors who are thought to be candidates for the award should submit Extended Abstract for more detailed evaluation. 

As a result of the preliminary examination of the selection committee and the evaluation of the candidate's presentation during the congress, Best Paper will be selected.





In addition, the total number of participants in the congress with their studies based on experimental research in the field of Sports Sciences 3 young researchers,
Sports Sciences ELSA Young Researcher Awards will be given.

Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi 11-14 Kasım 2023, Amara Premier Palace, Kemer-ANTALYA

We are pleased to invite you to Antalya between 11-14 November 2023 for the 21st International Sports Sciences Congress organized by the Sports Sciences Association.


© 2023, SBby StudioArkema

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